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11. The Place d’Italie Speech, December 8th, 2013*
The Place d’Italie Speech
December 8th, 2013
My Dear Friends, My Dear Compatriots[1],
When people ask me what I ~~~~~ exactly when ~~ ~~~~ the expression “Great Replacement,” ~~~ “change ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ civilisation,” ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ (~~~ often is) or ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ a concept, it’s ~~~~ ~~ ‘~~~~~~~’, ~~~’~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ of shared history; ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ to do to ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ real life. Suffice ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ believe your ~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~, to dare to ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ feel, what you ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ suffer. Believe ~~~~~ eyes, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~. ~~~~’~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ even less on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~-~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~’~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ forty years. They ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ “~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~,” ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ lies in ruins. ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ to be believed, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~’~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~. And if by ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ you:
“Yes, ~~~~’~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ it’s too late.”
Well, ~~~, ~~~’~~ not ~~~~ ~~~~~. The ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ up against those ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ occasion of his ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~ struggle. He freed ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, and fatal to ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ prosperity and state ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ and tested every ~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ country.
We ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~~ colonisers colonise nothing ~~~ ~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~’~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~: ~~~ ~~~~ contrary, they are ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~~’~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ by relying on ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~: ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~’~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, from the petty ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ only good for ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ [sous-chiens], ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ we tremble? Our ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ the anti-colonialist struggle, ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ occupation.
Admittedly, this adversary ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ arrivals on the ~~~~ ~~~~~, and its ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ say that demography ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ accentuating ~~~~ change in people, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ low concept of ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, other languages, we ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ integrate individuals, it ~~~~~~~ ~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ itself.
Algeria ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ten per cent ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ and independence. The ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ nation did. Algeria’s ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ who were deemed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ by the unprecedented ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~: the ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ coffin[2].
Heaven ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ that I recommend ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~-~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ name, in-nocence, non-nocence, non-nuisance, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~ in power, which ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ of people, charges ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~; ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~’~~ ~~~~~ cars, we don’t ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~’~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~’~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~’~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ of hyperviolence, we ~~~~’~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~’~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ far we haven’t ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ life.
The ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ the Great Replacement, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ double standards, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~; ~~~’~~ also the world ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~, assaulted, exploited, pestered ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~, ~~~~’~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~ world turned upside ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~ they have finished ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~ what is happening ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ denominational and communitarian ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ (it’s often the ~~~~~ thing).
This ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ independence and freedom, ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ force that will ~~~~ no ~~~ the ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, and founded a ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~, ~~~~ ~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~ course, the Front ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ we will always ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, and indeed of ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ things to worry ~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ are here and ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ who do not ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ so stupidly, a ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ nasty ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ end.
~~~~~~="" ~~~~~="#~~~~~~~~~" name="_ftn1">[1] ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ from a podium ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~’~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ by Pierre Cassen ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ “~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~” ~~~~ “~~~~~~~~~~~ républicaine.”
~~~~~~="" ~~~~~="#~~~~~~~~~" name="_ftn2">[2]~~~~~~="~~~~~-~~~~~: 10.0pt;"> “La valise ou le cercueil”, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ die, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, who forced the ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ immediately after independence.