The Great Replacement

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15. The Grenelle speech. November 15th, 2014

15. The Grenelle speech

November 15th, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,

Your last Assizes took me to the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ I’m at the ~~~~~~ ~~~ Appeal.

I ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, but there’s no ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ much.

And ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ the powers that ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ hear.

When ~~ ~~~~ powers, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ is of course ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ one.

I’m ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ the replacist power, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ substitution, the civilisational substitution.

This ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ media-political-industrial-intellectual complex, ~~~~~ ~~~~ journalists-judges, judges-censors, censors-publishers, ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ sociologists.

What ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~ foremost, is that ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ discussed: namely, the ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ fatherland.

I once called it’s-trueism, c’est-vrai-qu’isme, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ of a century ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ c’est-vrai-que…: it’s true ~~~~~ this, it’s ~~~~~ ~~~~~ that, but it’s ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ this and that.

Our ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~, could go down ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ the ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~ period, ~~~~ c’est-vrai-qu’iste era, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ c’est-vrai-qu’iste style, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ period when an ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ about to say ~~~~ true.

And ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, if not because ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ falsehood?

Just ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ dear to our ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ (~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~… (La ~~~~~~~, elle estime ~~~~The ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ make sure that (Le gouvernement, ~~~ fera ~~~ ~~~~~~ que…)), ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ own, his inability ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~, the ~~~~~~~ party ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ c’est-vrai-qu’iste mania ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ amniotic bath of ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ repression.

In ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ something for the ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ asserting.

But ~~~~ the last forty ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ one is saying, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ anything.

Well, the currency ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ the mud, sociologised ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ itself.

We ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ inverted real, what ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ faussel, ~~~~ falseal, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ false.

Paradoxically, and very skilfully, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ beat it with ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~ numbers.

I’m ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ in general, which ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~ power: its damned soul.

It ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ unfortunate French people, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ were rising, that ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, that in fact ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ foreigners in our ~~~~~~~~: ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ not taking place, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ fantasy.

That ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ theory, a myth, ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~ hoax, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ a ~~~~-~~~~~~ ~~~~~ — but, if ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~ reality ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~-~~~~~~ ~~~~~ —, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ Replacement is a ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ a major party ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ it.

It would appear that ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ hear about the ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ the theme and ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Remigration.

I ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ often denounced between ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~-~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~-~~~~~, ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ party.

I cannot believe ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ promise of eternity, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~, seems ready to ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ the faithful, always ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ — and if they ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~? And indeed…

I cannot ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ a temporary phase, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ a people but ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Replacement that it ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ on which there ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ranks.

I ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~, ~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~ want to believe it, ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~, and let’s see ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ historically: ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, that it’s before ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ or to fight, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ things.

And ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ the more in the ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ that ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ question of knowing ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ history.

I’ve ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~: ~~~~ Great Replacement is ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ substitution under way ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~, history may go ~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ours.

It ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ another nation, which ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~, ~~~~~-~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Egypt is to ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~, ~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ to the Byzantine ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ Palaeologi.

The ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ belonging, of this ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~: what ~~~ ~~~ to be ~~~~~~~? ~~~~~ ~~~ it to be ~~~~~~~~~? ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~? ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~? ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~? ~~~~~ ~~~ meaning? — is it ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ and the origin ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ a pure convention, ~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~? — ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ will become the ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ not too inadequate, ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ is.

It ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ Great Replacement and ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, remigration, ~~~~~ ~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~ all my energy ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ or transcend all ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ will.

People ask me ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~, as I am ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ people.

It’s ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ is not easy, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ right now — ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ so precise about ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ all sides.

However, when ~~ ~~~~ arsenal, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ measures.

We ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ laws, and first ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ Europe an open ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ subjected.

It’s ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ leaving the European Union, ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ as it is.

On ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~ it, of recovering ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ the active or ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ way.

It ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ euro, which is, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ to build up — ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ by the abandonment ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, a proletarian among ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ conquest.

The ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ calling for would ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ presence, by ethnic ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ substitution.

It ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ with money, finance, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~’, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~: ~~~ ~~~~~~, from all the ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ being.

It ~~~ first and foremost ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ its renunciations, through ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, to leave to ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ destiny.

I ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~, ~~~ dint of having ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~-~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~, by the smallest ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ stripped in turn ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, this reduction to ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, the ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ : ~~~~~~~ ~~~ disastrous as the ~~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ possible.

Remigration ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, and has a ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ of history, to ~~~~~~~~ itself.

Remigration ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~: with borders to ~~~~~~~; ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~; ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ the crucible, whereas ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~; ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ course; and above ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ purpose of persevering ~~~ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ being.

Remigration ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, to spirituality, to ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ do we still ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~?  — ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ genius.

I ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ good reason, the ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ operation, a vulgar ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ (~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ so) to counter ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ they do.

It’s not ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Africans any more ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ up (badly, very ~~~~~~), ~~~ ~~~~~~~; ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~ go back and ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Africa.

To ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ of my thinking (~~~~ ~~~~~~~), ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~  ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ concern me, I ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~, demographic growth, even ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ in Africa.

I’m ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ fed up with ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~; ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ as they  put ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ any growth ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ of knowledge — ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ threat.

I ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, that there is ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ Earth — at ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ —, ~~~~ ~~~~~ soul there is ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ them.

I’ve ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ for territory — nocence, ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~-~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, being the quasi-military ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ conquest.

It ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ conference, the one ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~: “~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ Replacement”.

But ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ for territory is ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ and the colonisers.

Its ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ artificialisation, culture and ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~: ~~ ~~~~~ the indefinite extension ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ banlocalisation ~~~ banleugalisation, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~-~~~~~-~~~~~~~: ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ mind.

The fight for ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ not ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ the right to ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~: ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ for the dignity ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ earth.

The ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ it intelligence, will, identity.

Look ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ doom.

If ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ language has risen ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ they are not ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ witnesses.

As ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ the fatherland — ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ French ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ occasions, Joan of ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ those taxis of ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~ myth, like Charles-Martel ~~~~ Poitiers.

Remigration ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~, and without the ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ every subject, we ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ us.

This ~~~ ~~~~ remigration, ~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ must be indeed ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ it must be ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ are.

Paraphrasing ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ our continent, to ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ souls:

"Come ~~~~~ yourself, Europe, and ~~~~~ complaining".

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