The Great Replacement

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19. Exchange with Alain Finkielkraut on migrants*


Exchange with Alain Finkielkraut

on Migrants

July 2015


The publication of a press release[1] from the In-nocence party, ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ is chairman, prompted ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ exchange:


Alain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~: How ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~ dear Renaud, that ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ pseudo-refugees?

Do ~~~~ ~~~~~ to be European ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ refugee?

Can ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ time?

It is the ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ away from it ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ be on immigration, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ flooding into France ~~~ disgraceful.

In friendship.



Renaud ~~~~~~: Dear Alain,

the ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ “people fleeing the ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~”, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ you say.

Your second ~~~~~~~~~, "~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~?” ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~, I would say, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, but that concept ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~. And if the ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ their numbers to ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ a continent outside ~~~~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ influx?

“Can we think about ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~?” ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ them from history ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ its passive objects, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~, to plunge ourselves ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ destroyed the school ~~~~~~~: ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~; ~~~~~~ put the latter ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ be, if not ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, or uncivil behaviour, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~) ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ (~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~), ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ unhappy, it will ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~: Destroy, ~~~~ says[2]. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ reason in seeing ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ savagery that so ~~~~~ ~~~-~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ (~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ demanding…) open the ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ itself.

All ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ you,

Renaud Camus


A. ~~. : Dear Renaud,

You are ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ or the persecuted ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ the problem. You ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ I don’t think ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ you.

You ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, they should take ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ German Jews of ~~~~ ~~~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~? ~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ borders. I only ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ hatred.

Your friend.



R. ~~.: Dear Alain,

you ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, and it’s an ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ amalgam, between the ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ us. Europe is ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ calling "Adolf Hitler’s ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~" ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~, The ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ twenty-first century.[3] Hitler ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ us. The continent, ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~-~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ Hitlerian cancer that, ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ have stripped it ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ brain, no virility, ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~, like the President ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~.” ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ windmills.

You ~~~~ ~~~~~ among the mass ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~. ~~~~ these refugees are ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~-~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ and duty of ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ not at all ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ a power, an ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ creation of a ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~: ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ part of the ~~~~~-~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ process of conquering ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ torturers. Let’s not ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ country.

All ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ you,



A. ~~. : Dear Renaud,

I ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~: ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ the 1930s disarms ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ was full in ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ the pen. It’s ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ in to the ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ invaders.

All ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ you.



R. ~~.: Dear Alain,

Our intention is not ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ refocus it on ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ culture. Your wording ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~: “~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ turn away as ~~~~~~~~~.” ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ invaders some (a ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~) ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ invaded, under the ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~,” ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ any effort to ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~: ~~~~~~~~~~~, violent and conquering.

Yours ~~~~~ truly,



A. F.: Dear Renaud,

If ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ only have to ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~: ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ camp, the identitarian-sovereignist ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~ deplorable. But let’s ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ shores.

Thank ~~~~ ~~~~ pushing me to ~~~ limits.


R. ~~.: Dear Alain,

most ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~, are not so ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ here — I, ~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~. ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ been enough, if ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ civilisation on earth, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ of their spectacular ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ them, including kinds ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ can offer them, ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ destitute.

I ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ that the progressive, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ the situation. For ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ an army and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ name.

Your ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ admirer,

Renaud Camus


A. ~~. : Dear Renaud,

There’s ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ in the “working ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,” ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ pile into rafts ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ England.

In ~~~~ ~~~~~, I had a ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ Paris.

Your friend and loyal reader,



R. ~~.: Dear Alain,

Here ~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~-~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ does indeed discern ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~,” ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ revealing. In Kos, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ is more in ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ them. In Paris ~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~ they march barefaced ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ for which they ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ most material and ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~: ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~ a far cry ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~ as number allows ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ felt.

I’ll ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ the beginning of ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ there.

All ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ you,



A. ~~. : Dear Renaud,

Numbers, ~~~~~~~. Léopol Kohr, Ivan ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~: “~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~: ~~~~~~~~~~ size. Excessive size ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, something is too big.”

The ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, as a number ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ the misery in ~~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ courage?

All the best to you.



R. ~~.: My ~~~~~ Alain,

you ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ line as you ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, fields, cow, pig ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ divergence between us. ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ Replacement.

I ~~~~~~ think I can ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~ even say, human ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ a humanitarian aspect ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~. ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ and five per ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ that, that tiny ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ who does not ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ and a civilisation.

I ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~-~~~~~~~~ forum.[4]

Please ~~~~~~~~ in my very ~~~~~~~~ friendship,


[1] ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~. ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~: On ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ immigrants.

The ~~~~~~ of In-nocence and ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ immigrants, so-called refugees ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ they become more ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ violent, more aggressive, ~~~~~ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ true face as ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ for centuries, continues ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ crisis.” It would ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ the centuries of ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ "~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ crises"…

[2] Détruire, dit-elle, ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Duras, 1913-1996.

[3] Le Communisme ~~~ ~~~~~ siècle. ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~, “~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~” (, ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ of another of ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, The ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ Hitler.

[4] ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ (Forum ~~~ l’In-nocence, ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~): ~~~~ man comes from ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ war, this country ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ Hollande’s France.

His comment ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ (“~~~~~~~ ~~~ way to treat ~~~~~~~”), ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Europeans enjoy. This ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ dozens of ”supporting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ of a service.

The ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ migrants vociferating their ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ by the media hooha.

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