The Great Replacement

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20 The German Embassy Speech

20. The German Embassy Speech

Dear French and European compatriots,

Who could be so stupid as to still ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ of the migratory ~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ refugees?

Are ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ left their wives, ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ fleeing?

We ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ to think of ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ stones, like the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~? ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ roadblock?

Refugees ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ in this Christian-stifling ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~-~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ throats.

The ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ had at least ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~: ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~-~~~~~~~ refugees. It also led ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~. ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~: aren’t there jobs ~~~~~~ too?

Under ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ reality ~~~ the ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ of people and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ our so-called elites, ~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~ real ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ power?

Has ~~~ ~~~~~ been seen in ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ hatred?

The ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, you ~~~~ say. But at ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~ Burkinabés.

No ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ suspect that there ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ some conspiracy theory. ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ accusation has become ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ there are no ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ believe that there ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ there are.

However, I ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ or in the ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ changed, replaced.

I believe ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ the cogs, and ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ victims.

I ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ replacism ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Great Replacement, the ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ whole.

I ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ who have not ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ happening.

Replacism ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ of anti-racism at ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ revolution.

Racists ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ an idiotic meaning ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ race, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ invasion.

Racists ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ they don’t like ~~~~~, ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ exist.

Anti-racism ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ crushed you.

Seventy years ~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~. ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~-~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ and for all.

Belief ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ added late in ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ and which, as ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~: ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ it was essential ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ peoples.

To ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, civilisations or races ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ products.

If “~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ of the Republic", ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ things.

Proof ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, finance, industry, advertisement : ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ exchange.

German ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ that they are ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ work…

They ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ the abduction of ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ the whole of morality, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ them.

How ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ lie like a ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~? ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ order?

How ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ morality when they ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ violence: the world ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Charlie-Hebdo, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ HyperCasher?

How ~~~~~~ they possibly be ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ not excuse, the ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ and which goes ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~: ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ of the greatest ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~; ~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ it was happening ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ dreaming?

But above all, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ human being, the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~, de-ethnicised, dumbed down ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~? ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ morality, on the ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ women?

It’s ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ to them, as replaceability : ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ objects.

Deculturation ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ for the change ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ livarot.

German ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~, are rubbing their ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~: ~~~~~~ ~~~~ your unemployed and ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~, REPLACE THEM! ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ tidal wave, MONSTER ~~~~~ OUT!

Europe ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ say.

No, ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~, ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~, irreplaceable people & ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ renaissance.

The ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~ they go on ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ depopulation…

How ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ in favour of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~, ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~? ~~~~~ biodiversity stop at man?

The ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ anti-replacists.

There are also the replacers, ~~~ ~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ territory. The replacers ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ scientists.

They ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ and are replacing ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ product.

The ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ an ultra-identitarian people. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ grave.

The ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ours, and that ~~~ ~~~~ civilisation.

That ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ is so urgent ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ resounding ~~~~~~~~ is ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ that threatens to ~~~~~~ ~~~ away.

There ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ individuals, when a big ~~~ is ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ being.

For my part, ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~: ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ revolt!

We ~~~~ ~~~~~~, ~~~~ ~~ short time, the ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ strongest.

We ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ counter-colonisation: let’s stop ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ invasion side.

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